Baby Talk

My daughter, one and a half years old, is learning a lot of words.

When we all go to the store and we say we’re going to buy something, she says:


Followed very quickly by:


And it struck me that a lot of people only say the first thing without thinking about the second thing. The second thing should always follow the first as quickly as possible.

Clearly, my daughter is an economic genius as well as a beauty.

3 Responses to Baby Talk

  1. BruceS October 19, 2008 at 7:02 pm #

    I don’t know. If she were really an economic genius, wouldn’t the sequence be
    “don’t buy”
    or something like that? At any rate, as long as she isn’t saying “borrow” instead of “pay”, she’s ahead of the norm.

  2. weeklyrob October 20, 2008 at 1:36 pm #

    Well, she’s not going to correct us, because we feed her.

    We start by saying that we’re going to buy, then she tells us what to do next.

  3. BruceS October 21, 2008 at 10:20 am #

    Funny, my wife and I fed our daughter, but she had no problem correcting us. Over two decades later, she’s *still* doing it, but it’s less surprising now.

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