Don’t Try

Ok, I’ve been asked for more thoughts. Here’s a bit more.

Writing advice from Charles Bukowski: Don’t try.

In a letter, linked below, he points out that writing comes naturally to writers. In fact, writers can’t stop it, even if they want to.

I agree with all of that, though I think that it does take work to make the writing really good. That is, I’ve felt the need to write, but that doesn’t mean that what I’ve produced is something that others would want to read.

Part of that need to write caused me to start this blog almost five years ago. I wonder whether lots of blogs have eased the tension of writers needing to write. I wonder that means fewer people writing books.

But lately I’ve been able to link to interesting sites, and say small things, on Facebook or twitter, or on my other site. And I’ve found myself trying to write something here on weeklyrob. Beyond inertia, I’m just not sure I feel the need to write here anymore.

So. I think I might stop. For a while, at least. Maybe once I’m more settled (in Australia, in a new job, in a new house), I’ll pick it up again, but who knows? For now, I’m going on hiatus.

Thanks for reading!



Charles Bukowski: Don’t Try

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