
The second ever weeklyrob podcast.

It’s just under 10 minutes. Basic stuff about the universe’s elemental forces.

NOTE: I don’t know anything! I was an English major, for God’s sake. Don’t believe anything I say about science.

No music or sound effects this time, and Soundtrack Pro’s “Clicks and Pops” feature really let me down, so there may be clicks. And pops.


[You can find the first weeklyrob podcast here.]

3 Responses to Podcast!

  1. BruceS September 14, 2007 at 5:30 pm #

    That was interesting and amusing.

  2. weeklyrob September 14, 2007 at 6:51 pm #

    Hey thanks! And a reasonable number of ums, I hope. I did consider taking them out, or snipping out some of the long pauses, but I didn’t want to work that hard on it, so it’s all one long take.

  3. rob [the lesser] September 20, 2007 at 11:44 pm #

    i highly recommend using del.icio.us’s playtagger on your site:

    that said, i will download your podcast & listen to it on the subway

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