A couple of friends from Australia visited for the weekend, and we all had a grand ol’ time.
Today, out of idle curiosity, I asked my iPhone for directions from my house to theirs, in Brisbane, Australia.
The directions send me to Seattle for some reason, then tell me to kayak across the Pacific to Hawaii. I then get directions through and around Hawaii until I’m directed to kayak to Japan. From there, directions through lots of toll roads, and finally, one last kayak to Australia. The rest is overland.
Total time estimated: 55 days, 19 hours. I’m on my way.
I tried it on Google Maps in a browser– but this time *walking* from East Atlanta GA USA to Brisbane, Australia.
According to Google Maps, there are 1,664 separate turning directions to get to Brisbane if you want to walk.
At step 784 you kayak across the Pacific ocean and enter Japan.
At step 1,533 you kayak across the Pacific ocean and enter Australia.
Dunno why there are so many different steps.
Total time to walk: 210 days, 6 hours.
Unfortunately, no mass transit directions available.
yea you can actually go to america from australia in google maps and it makes you kayak to japan and then across the pacific hehe..