Archive | Science and Such

Faith in Faith

Occasionally, when discussing science and faith, I have to admit that my belief in atoms, quantum mechanics, carbon dating, and lots of other stuff isn’t based on something that I know. It’s based on my belief, or faith, in science. And occasionally, someone somewhere will try to convince me that my faith in science is […]

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Not Enough Hours in the Day? Just Wait.

The earth’s rotation slows by about a second every 50,000 years. So just stay alive a while and you can enjoy longer days. Unfortunately, the length of a year isn’t changing. As days get longer, there will be fewer of them in a year, meaning that you’ll have to do your taxes more often. [Incidentally, […]

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Long Dry Spell

A tuatara named Henry hadn’t had sex for at least 40 years, but finally got it on and has become a dad to eleven bouncing baby tuatara. He’d apparently been grumpy due to a tumor on his rump (or his underneath area. I can’t be sure, since the article says “his bottom.” What does that […]

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To Bee or Not to Bee

I’m reading Fruitless Fall, by Rowan Jacobsen. It’s mainly about Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), which has apparently devastated the bee keeping industry around the world. I haven’t gotten to a lot of the CCD stuff yet (as of page 60), but what I have read has been fascinating. Bees’ lives, the different roles in their […]

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More Skeptics

This little video about good science vs. nonscience has some real gems. To paraphrase (so that I don’t have to remember the exact wording): In science, we have to keep track of the misses as well as the hits. Astrologists, psychics, etc., just keep track of the hits (that is, the things they claim that […]

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Wolverine! Frog-Style.

You know the X-Men, right? Mutants who save the world and such. Awesome. And you know Wolverine, right? Super-fast-healing hairy badass. And, you know how Wolverine has these claw-thingies that he can force through the skin of his hands? And, when asked whether it hurts when that happens, he said, “every time”? How about a […]

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