Nice to See Ya

welcome sign

Today I ran into a guy who mentioned to me that he’s been reading weeklyrob.

Occasionally this happens, and I invariably do the following three things, in order:

1. Feel embarrassment, shame, dread, and horror while trying to remember the latest post.

2. Go read the front page of weeklyrob, pretending that I’m new.

3. Feel embarrassment, shame, dread, and horror, while trying to come up with something really good, really fast, so the next time they come it’ll be worth it.

Welcome all new readers.

Also, by the way, if you haven’t heard, it so happens that the president-elect of the United States is Barack Hussein Obama. My spell-checker underlined his first and last name. I bet that won’t be the case in a couple of years.

For readers from the distant future: Why are you reading this? Has the world slipped into some sick dystopia wherein this ancient blog is the only thing connecting you to the past? I weep for you. In any case, I don’t want to let the occasion go by without a note on it.

The man’s lineage is no reason to vote for or against him, but I can’t help but be a little excited about it.

I remember a discussion I had with Chinese students (on a hellishly long train ride across the desert). We talked about the lack of freedom in China, and then they pointed out that only certain kinds of people could become president of the modern US. And they were right, but they were a lot less right than they thought they were.

One Response to Nice to See Ya

  1. Largo October 24, 2009 at 1:26 pm #

    A voice from… the FUTURE!

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